Almighty God's Gracious and Saving Knowledge

Question: Can someone in our modern era build an Ark like the one described in Genesis?  How much time and resources would be needed for such a project?


I attended a shipbuilding Seminar some years ago in the UK, and one of the speakers from a respected Research Organisation started his speech quoting Gen. 6:14–16, to give the dimensions of the Ark of God!

He then continued, saying “these proportions are still used in modern shipbuilding, within small +/- units, as they are STABLE, even with the addition of modern propulsion engineering etc.”!

In the case of the Ark, no machinery was needed, as it was not meant for ‘voyaging’, but for lift and lowering only.  This meant that the ‘Stability Calculations’ were simplified; as most of the ‘Loading’ was to be in small units; and very large animals such as “Pre-Overthrow” large lizards etc., had been extinct for millions of years!

So; yes, producing such a “raft” as the Ark of Noah, would be easy for them, as the critical “proportions“ had been given by our Gracious, and Almighty God; who in this example was showing His care of the people of Noah (i.e. his family); to continue propagation of the human race with untainted Non- Nephilim polluted seed; for the purpose of Gen. 3:15 success; against Satan; which is embodied in our Gracious Saviour; Christ Jesus!



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